Our Company

The president and CEO of Scuderia de Adamich USA is Andrea de Adamich.

Andrea made his racing debut in 1962 behind the wheel of a Triumph TR3, disputing some time trials. Since then, his rise has been fulminating: the Italian Formula 3 Championship, won in 1965, opened for him the doors of Alfa Romeo, a partnership that has been lasting for the past 50 years.

Autodelta, the Alfa Romeo racing team, in fact hired him and, behind the wheel of the Giulia GTA, he graduated twice as European Tourism Champion, in 1966 and 1967.

He returned to single-seaters, in the greatest Formula, with Ferrari Formula 1 in 1968. His teammates were Jackie Ickx and Chris Amon.

He spent 5 seasons in Formula 1, where, in addition to Ferrari, de Adamich competed with McLaren, March, Surtess and Brabham.

Like many colleagues of those years, de Adamich alternated Formula 1 with the most varied categories: in particular he was, with Alfa Romeo, the absolute protagonist of the World Sportscar Championship (2 wins in Brands Hatch and Watkins Glen) and of Formula 2 (victory of the Temporada Argentina behind the wheel of the Ferrari Dino F2).

In 1974 he withdrew from the world of car racing, but not from the car world. In fact, since 1978 he has been the poster man of Mediaset for motorsport, and in 1991 he founded Centro Internazionale Guida Sicura (“International Safe Driving Center”, later to become Scuderia de Adamich), through which he still carries on his fifty-year-long collaboration with Alfa Romeo and the other top-class brands of the FCA Group: Ferrari, Maserati, Abarth.

The specific work of Scuderia de Adamich USA involves the most varied dynamic programs, carried out both on track and on road:

on the track: pilot courses that range from safe driving to sports driving, up to a competitive level;

on the road: test drives for the unveiling of new models, for the benefit of dealerships and their customers;

a particularly relevant sector is also the one of professional training, reserved to sales forces that are equipped with company cars, to improve their safety and efficiency during the carring out of their professional duties.

All the activities are built around the company philosophy: the driver is still the most important part of the car; his sensitivity, his enthusiasm, his desires and his ambitions, if declined with the correct technique and driving quality, will be transformed into pleasure and safety behind the wheel.
Therefore it is necessary to work on the driver to set up and/or improve his knowledge of driving techniques, while teaching him to make the best use of the car technology at his disposal.